Sunday, August 31, 2008

Madison Black, age 7

Posted by PicasaAugust 2008 I went to Redlands, California to see my Mom, my Sister and Brother in Law and Tyler's girls. Madison (age 6) and Kennedy (age 3) live to the south of Mom, in the San Diego area.

My sister and I got to spend the night with the girls @ downtown San Diego Hilton. We had a blast!!

We went to dinner (Tyler's wife Julie joined us) with brothers-in-law Brad and Lee, who are San Diego residents too.

Lonie and I had a hoot with the little girls! Sometimes they had us laughing so hard we couldn't catch our breaths. They said things like: Aunt and Grandmommy (Lorraine) are exactly alike except Grandmommy is tan and you are white!!!!!

Madison is a true big sister to Kennedy. Kennedy was a little nervous about spending the night without 'Mommy" and Madison assured her she would be fine and asked "would you like a treat?" Such a good little mommy, Madison knew exactly what would make little sister more comfortable.....candy!!!! (haha)

We spent the night in the hotel, jumping on the beds, jumping from bed to bed, jumping from bed to chair, jumping from chair to bed, watching a Scooby Doo movie, finally falling asleep about 1 am hoping the Tooth Fairy would not have trouble finding Madison and her newly extracted front tooth.

About 3am I heard a thud and slight whimper....I got up to check and Kennedy, who was sleeping with Aunt Lonie had fallen out of bed, but was just lying on the floor. I asked if she wanted Grandmommy to put her back in bed, she whimpered "yes" . I put her back in bed and I don't think she ever woke up!

Next thing I know, it's 6am and I roll over to get out of bed, not realizing that Madison had nuzzled up to me, leaving me no room to roll over....AND I FELL OUT OF BED!!!! Naturally, I couldn't stop laughing, which woke up Kennedy.

So she and I woke up Madison and the 3 of us were at the pool by 7am! We stayed there til 10am, letting Aunt Lonie sleep. After we got back to the room, my sister and I talked and realized that when we had gone to bed/asleep last night, Kennedy was in bed with me and Madison was in bed with Aunt Lonie! Sometime during the night the girls had changed beds!!!!

The Tooth Fairy did NOT forget Madison....indeed, she got a brand new $5 bill and even got to keep her tooth. She was a little disappointed that she "only got one" money...but after I told her that if I were to trade money with her I would have to give her 5 $1 bills, she was excited to be able to show Mommy her 'big' money.


Jaymie and Justin said...

looks like you made them larger but still no text?

Lorraine said...

Those 2 little girls are angels. So beautiful!!!