Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Sims Girls (Lorraine & sisters)

I stupidly forgot to mention in earlier postings that coming from So. Indiana we all had nicknames (hence, Aunt Lonie).

To clear up things for future posts here are the names our parents Fredrick Loran & Alice Jean (Nub & Ducky) gave their 3 daughters whose 'real' names are Lorraine, Leona Jean & Cathy Lou. Lorraine was called "Blossom" because Daddy thought I looked like a little rose blossom when I was borne. But later, as an adult my friends started calling me Lo-Rain, Leona Jean became Lonie (pronounced Lo-knee) and Cathy Lou became Dupie (pronounced Do-Pee) I look at it now, it looks like we have become American Indian ....Lo-Rain, Lo-knee and Do-Pee !!! I grew up thinking we were English/German. Oh Boy!!!!

More reflecting on names: When Madison was just learning to talk she called herself MaMa (same sound as the beginings of Madison). When she was 3 yrs. old Kennedy Lynn was borne. Kennedy is called KayKay & KeeKee by Madison .... and I cute...we have a MaMa and a KayKay but while visiting with them in California last month, I heard Kennedy call Madison "Mod-Ah" (sounds like "Mod" Squad and all) was Mod-ah this and Mod-Ah was so cute and sweet.

So, I guess nicknames are here to stay in our family....heck, starting with Daddy's family, we even name our cars!!!! Come to think of it, when Daddy died....he was driving his riding lawn mower...which had a license plate with the name he had given it......"FOREVER MOWER" !!! God Bless our little Daddy...all 110 lbs. of him. He died of a heart attack while riding his "Forever Mower". We are told it was very quick and painless....just the way he would have wanted.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

You should post a pic. of Nub so everyone will understand the nickname. All 5'3" and 110 lbs of him. Also suggest you have the full page newspaper story of his WWII experience reduced and post it, he may have been small in stature but not in deeds and honor. It might also explain why he would never eat potatoes after the war.

Tom Crutchfield