Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sad News

Today we got sad news from my hometown. My cousin Loren Gene Harding, only 2 years older than me and one of my closet cousins growing up, died yesterday. He suffered from a 98% blocked carteriod artery, which when sugerically repaired, caused a massive stroke and death. We are all shocked and distressed by his death. I am particularly stunned because as teens and young adults he and I were both plagued by horrible migraines...now I am wondering if his death was somehow associated with that history (and maybe something I should look into for myself).

Better news dept. My son, Tony has been staying with us since Thanksgiving and as of today is employed. Tony's wife died approximately 4 years ago and he 'lost his way'. He became homeless. We persuaded him to come stay with us for awhile and happily for us, he agreed. With this new job, he seems to be on his way to a happier way of life.

1 comment:

Jaymie and Justin said...

thats bad news, sorry to hear that. also tell tony congrats thats good that he got a job. where is he working?