Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A little more history

Since I am new at this...blogging...(my husband began it for me) I thought I should begin giving a little history (of me).

My name is Lorraine (Sims) Black Crutchfield. I was borned Oct. 22, 1946 to Alice Jean Waggoner and Frederick Loren Sims in Davis County, Indiana. Daddy was a WW II Army Veteran and POW. He was also a Purple Heart recipient.

I lived most of my life in a small town in southern Indiana named Shoals. We had a fun childhood spent with many cousins, grandparents, uncles and aunts. There were many happy Holidays, birthdays, etc. The first tragedy I remember was when I was 12 (appr0x.) our beautiful little cousin Jill Denise Baker was killed in a car accident. Since then there have been others (tragedies)...some emotional and some physical...all painful nonetheless.

Daddy died a few years ago but our Mom lives in Redlands, California. I have 2 sisters whom are both younger than me. Lonie lives in Redlands, California with her husband Tom (also known as Tom "2" in our family). They have 4 children (Holly, Kyle, Evan & Carla) and 2 grandchildren (Noah & Malia). Mom and Lonie/Tom "2" all live together since Mom's husband Jay passed away in 2005.

My youngest (baby) sister Cathy lives in New Albany, Indiana with her husband Doug and their 2 daughters (Whitney & Allison). They also have a dog-ghter named Annie - she is the cutest little Yorkie you have ever seen. No grandchildren yet.

My husband Tom and I have 5 children (Tony, Candi, Randy, Brian & Tyler) (and special son Justin) and 11 grandchildren. Tom & I live in Arlington, Texas and our children are scattered throughout the United States. Our Yorkie/Shi Tzu mix Elvis lives with us.

Tom owns an insurance agency in Arlington and at age 64, still goes to work everyday. I play tennis (hit & giggle tennis), keep house, shop, cook, sew, read (and now blog) and enjoy time with grandchildren anytime I can.

1 comment:

Jaymie and Justin said...

yes, i made the blog. speaking of tennis are you watching the aussie open? why do all of the americans suck? at least roger has a chance to win. i like to watch him play. hes almost as good as me.jj