Monday, January 28, 2008

Photogenic Elvis

Forgot to mention, if you have a pet and would love to have wonderful professional photographs taken, please consider my friend and amazing photographer, Tracy Smith. She took the photo of Elvis that is shown below. She has photographed most of my family and many of my friends weddings, grandkids, etc.

If you go to her website, you will see that Tracy photographs weddings, families, grandchildren, pets, graduation pics and probably anything you would like photographed. Again, if you want photographs made I guarantee you would love her work! Contact her @ 719.661.0627 or

1 comment:

rollinSeven said...

You are absolutely the best, Lorraine!!! If you hear of any weddings that need a photographer... I am looking to begin booking two a month! For around $1000 they can get full coverage for the ceremony and reception, prints and a coffee table book style wedding book uniquely designed by me!!!

Have fun with your blogging... I'll be sure to check in occasionally!!