Monday, January 28, 2008

Elvis (revisited)

Elvis came to live with us July 2001. Previously we had Murphy and Madonna (Sister) but Murphy died while we lived on Silkwood Trail and "Sister" passed away here @ Tournament Trail in 2000. Like most people our age, we decided NOT to get another pet..but..somewhere along the way, we started scouring the newspapers looking for another small dog....the ad read, "Yorkie/Shih-Tzu"..My friend Jane and I went to see him and we both were gonners....Elvis came home with us that day. He got his name (he was originally going to be named "Alfalfa" because of his black hair, but as I was writing out the check to the seller, I found out her last name was Presley...that cinched it! Elvis it became!! He was no bigger than the palm of our hands and now at 9 years, he is less than 10 lbs. But..he is fearless and a great guard dog and astonishing squirrel killer!!!

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