Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's mid-September already ! ? ! ?

It's mid-September 2009 already!! Where does the time go?

Thursday past, (9.10.09) I had to be @ hospital to have tests on my wimpy spine....darned thing is giving me fits AGAIN. Too much pain to handle ... hoping to find out why. Tests done that day - then had to stay lying perfectly flat all next day (oh fun).....then back to hospital monday for more x-rays (will the fun NEVER END?)

Today is Saturday (9.12.09). Got a call from an Arlington friend saying he was in Washington D.C. at the big Tea Party. He told Tom that he and several friends went to the Viet Nam Memorial and were turned away when asked if they were with the Tea Party group and answered "yes"!!! These were National Parks employees who were instructed to turn these people away!!!!! Our tax money pays these people to keep other taxpayers (and possibly Viet vets) away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has rainned for almost 24 hrs straight now....good for the Texas lakes, sleeping, watching movies on DVD, etc. This is our dog Elvis looking out to see if it's stopped raining. He wants to get outside and bite something.

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