Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Driving thru West Texas - August 2009

This is a view from passenger side while Granddaughter Lindsey & I drove from Arlington to El Paso. The sight of these 'windmill farms' absolutely stunned Lindsey! She also loved looking at the mountains behind the windmills.

We left Arlington on Wednesday, August 5th around 10am. We stopped around 7 pm and spent the night in El Paso (Texas). The only room available was a mini-suite, so we enjoyed that along with the swimming pool and other goodies there.

Second day we drove from El Paso, Texas to Casa Grande, Arizona. Casa Grande was like being in an oven ! Lindsey enjoyed the hotel pool - I cranked the hotel air conditioner down to about 65 degrees! (we slept good! ha) Got up early friday morning and made it to Redlands & Mom's house around 3 pm.
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